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C/C++ Autograder

This file documents the default C/C++ autograder included in the prairielearn/grader-c Docker image. For general information on how to set up an external grader, visit the external grading page.

Setting up


The question should be first set up to enable external grading, with "gradingMethod": "External" set in the info.json settings. To use the specific C/C++ autograder detailed in this document, in the "externalGradingOptions" dictionary, "image" should be set to "prairielearn/grader-c" and "entrypoint" should point to a test file in the question, which will then invoke the autograder.

A full info.json file should look something like:

  "uuid": "...",
  "title": "...",
  "topic": "...",
  "tags": ["..."],
  "type": "v3",
  "singleVariant": true,
  "gradingMethod": "External",
  "externalGradingOptions": {
    "enabled": true,
    "image": "prairielearn/grader-c",
    "timeout": 100,
    "entrypoint": "python3 /grade/tests/"

Note that the entrypoint setting includes a call to python3 before the test file. This is recommended for cases where the file is not properly set as executable in the Git repository.


Most questions using this autograder will contain a pl-file-editor or pl-file-upload element, though questions using other elements (e.g., pl-string-input for short expressions) are also possible. The question should also include, in the pl-submission-panel, a pl-external-grader-results to show the status of grading jobs. It is also recommended to place a pl-file-preview element in the submission panel so that students may see their previous code submissions. An example question markup is given below:

  <pl-file-editor file-name="square.c" ace-mode="ace/mode/c_cpp"></pl-file-editor>



The file will contain the basic tests that must be executed by the C/C++ grader. A simple to grade C code will look like this:

#! /usr/bin/python3

import cgrader

class QuestionGrader(cgrader.CGrader):

    def tests(self):
        # Include tests here

g = QuestionGrader()

A simple to grade C++ code will look like this (the only difference is the parent class):

#! /usr/bin/python3

import cgrader

class QuestionGrader(cgrader.CPPGrader):

    def tests(self):
        # Include tests here

g = QuestionGrader()

The tests method above will contain the basis for user tests, and will have access to some regular functions provided by the C/C++ grader. Some methods that can be called are listed below.

Any file submitted using a pl-file-editor or pl-file-upload will be available for use by the C/C++ grader. To create tests based on parameters defined by, or to have access to submitted data from other elements such as pl-string-input elements, you can access the dictionary. This dictionary contains the similar keys to those found in the grade() function in, such as["params"] or["submitted_answers"].

Available test options

Compiling a C/C++ program

To compile a C or C++ file, you may use the methods self.compile_file() or self.test_compile_file(). Both methods provide similar functionality, with the difference being that self.test_compile_file() will also include a unit test for the compilation itself. The latter can be used to provide points to a submission based on a successful compilation.

A simple invocation of these methods, assuming students write a complete C file including the main function, will include two parameters: the name of the C or C++ file to be compiled (typically the same name used in the pl-file-upload or pl-file-editor elements listed above), and the name of an executable file to be created.

self.compile_file("square.c", "square")      # Compile the file, but do not create a unit test result
self.test_compile_file("square.c", "square") # Compile the file and give one point to student if compilation is successful

By default, these methods use gcc and g++ (for C and C++, respectively) to compile the code. To use a different compiler (e.g., clang), set the compiler argument:

self.compile_file("square.c", "square", compiler="clang")
self.test_compile_file("square.c", "square", compiler="clang")

By default, if the compilation fails, it will stop all tests and return the submission as ungradable. This means that the submission will not count towards the student's submission limit, and the student will not receive a grade. The student will, however, see the result of the compilation. If you would like the tests to proceed in case of failure, you can call the function with:

self.compile_file("square.c", "square", ungradable_if_failed=False)
self.test_compile_file("square.c", "square", ungradable_if_failed=False)

By default, if the compilation succeeds but gives a warning, a message with the warning will be listed in the main results message, above the test results. If you would not like the warnings to be listed at the top of the results, you can call the function with:

self.compile_file("square.c", "square", add_warning_result_msg=False)      # Does not show any warnings
self.test_compile_file("square.c", "square", add_warning_result_msg=False) # Creates a test result that includes the warning as the output

You may also include additional compilation flags accepted by gcc (or g++) with the flags argument, which can be invoked with a single string for flags, or with an array of strings:

self.compile_file("square.c", "square", flags="-Wall -O3") # single string
self.compile_file("square.c", "square", flags=["-Wall", "-O3"]) # array

For flags based on pkg-config, use pkg_config_flags with the library or libraries that should be queried.

self.compile_file("square.c", "square", pkg_config_flags="check ncurses") # single string
self.compile_file("square.c", "square", pkg_config_flags=["check", "ncurses"]) # array

It is also possible to test programs where the student only submits part of an application. To compile the C/C++ file submitted by the user with some functions (including, for example, a main function) implemented by the instructor, you can save a main.c (or main.cpp) file inside the tests folder and run:

self.compile_file("square.c", "square", add_c_file="/grade/tests/main.c")

The instruction above will compile the student-provided C/C++ file with the instructor-provided C/C++ file into the same executable.

If the student implements any function that is also implemented by the instructor's code, including main if provided, it will be ignored, and the instructor-provided functions will take precedence. This is achieved by compiling the code with the -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition flag of gcc. If, however, there is a need to make reference to some of these functions implemented by the student, the option objcopy_args can be used. If provided, the objcopy command is called on the student's code with the specified list of arguments. This option only operates on student files, not on added (instructor-provided) files. For example, the following instruction compiles the same files above, but renames the student's main function into student_main and makes the static function my_static_fn global, so that the instructor's main function can call both of these functions directly.

  objcopy_args=["--redefine-sym", "main=student_main", "--globalize-symbol", "my_static_fn"],

It is also possible to compile multiple student files and multiple question-provided files into a single executable, by providing lists of files:

    ["student_file1.c", "student_file2.c"],
    add_c_file=["/grade/tests/question_file1.c", "/grade/tests/question_file2.c"],
    flags=["-I/grade/tests", "-I/grade/student"],

If the compilation involves include (.h) files, the flags -I/grade/tests (for question-provided includes) and -I/grade/student (for student-provided includes) are recommended as well. The specific .h files don't need to be listed as arguments to compile_file.

If the executable name is not provided, then the files will be compiled only into equivalent object files (with .o extension). To link these files into an executable, the link_object_files can be used. This function receives three mandatory arguments: the student object files, the additional object files (which can be set to None if there are none), and the executable name. This separation allows for more fined-tuned compilation flags between different C files or between compilation and linking, as well as additional operations to be performed with the generated object files. For example, the following sequence compiles student files and instructor files with different flags.

self.compile_file(["student_file1.c", "student_file2.c"],
                  flags=["-I/grade/tests", "-I/grade/student", "-Wall", "-g"])
self.compile_file([], # No student files in this invocation
                  flags=["-I/grade/tests", "-I/grade/student"])
self.link_object_files(["student_file1.o", "student_file2.o"],
                       ["/grade/tests/question_file1.o", "/grade/tests/question_file2.o"],

The link_object_files also accepts arguments like flags, pkg_config_flags, add_warning_result_msg=False and ungradable_if_failed=False, as described above.

For questions where students are not allowed to use a specific set of functions or global variables (e.g., students are not allowed to use the system library call), it is possible to reject a specific set of symbols. This option will cause an error similar to a compilation error if any of these symbols is referenced in the code. Only student files are checked against this list of symbols, so they can still be used in instructor code.

    ["student_file1.c", "student_file2.c"],
    add_c_file=["/grade/tests/question_file1.c", "/grade/tests/question_file2.c"],
    flags=["-I/grade/tests", "-I/grade/student", "-lrt"],
    reject_symbols=["system", "vfork", "clone", "clone3", "posix_spawn", "posix_spawnp"],

For self.test_compile_file(), the results of the compilation will show up as a test named "Compilation", worth one point. To change the name and/or points, set the name or points argument as follows:

self.test_compile_file("square.c", "square", name="Compilation of the first file", points=3)

Running a program and checking its standard output

The self.test_run() method can be used to run an executable and check its output. This will typically be the program generated by the compiler above, but it can be used for any program. The program will run as a non-privileged user.

The only required argument is the command argument, which corresponds to the command to be executed:


In most cases, though, this program will be executed to check the output of the program, which can be done by including the exp_output argument. In its simplest case, exp_output can be provided with a single string, and the test will pass if that string is found somewhere in the output of the program.

self.test_run("./square", exp_output="SUCCESS")

The exp_output argument can also be used to check for multiple output patterns by passing in a list of strings. The test will then look for all the patterns in the program output, and the result of the test will depend on the must_match_all_outputs flag. This flag may be set to:

  • must_match_all_outputs="any": if any of the patterns is found in the program output, the test passes and full points are assigned (this is the default). The value False is also accepted for backwards compatibility.
  • must_match_all_outputs="all": all patterns must be found in the program output to pass the test. The value True is also accepted for backwards compatibility.
  • must_match_all_outputs="partial": the points assigned to the test are based on the number of patterns that are found in the program output (for example, if three patterns out of four are found, then the test is assigned 0.75 points).
self.test_run("./square", exp_output=["SUCCESS", "CORRECT"]) # default, either SUCCESS or CORRECT are enough for full points
self.test_run("./square", exp_output=["TEST 1 PASSED", "TEST 2 PASSED"],
              must_match_all_outputs="partial") # Test passes with 0, 0.5 or 1, depending on if none, one or two patterns are found

This method can also be provided with an input string to be passed to the standard input of the program, with the input argument:

self.test_run("./square", input="3\n", exp_output="9")
self.test_run("./square", "3\n", "9") # input and exp_output can also be passed
                                      # as positional arguments

To use command-line arguments for a command, the arguments can be included either in the command itself, or with the args argument, which can be a single argument set as a string, or multiple arguments in a list:

self.test_run("./square 3 5", exp_output=["9", "25"],
self.test_run("./square", args="3", exp_output="9")
self.test_run("./square", args=["3", "5"], exp_output=["9", "25"],

Some times a test must ensure that some strings are not found in the output of the program. This can be achieved with the reject_output argument, which again can be an array or a single string.

self.test_run("diff -q output.txt expected.txt", reject_output=["differ"])

If you would like to highlight, in the test message or output, the expected and rejected outputs, you can use the highlight_matches argument. This option will highlight in green (for expected outputs) and red (for rejected outputs) all strings that matched in the program output.

              exp_output=["TEST 1 PASSED", "TEST 2 PASSED"],
              reject_output=["ERROR", "FAIL"],

By default, any sequence of space-like characters (space, line break, carriage return, tab) in the program output, expected output and rejected output strings will be treated as a single space for comparison. This means difference in the number and type of spacing will be ignored. So, for example, if the output prints two numbers as 1 \n 2, while the expected output is 1 2, the test will pass. If, however, the intention is that spaces must match a pattern exactly, the ignore_consec_spaces option can be set to False:

self.test_run("./pattern", exp_output="  1  2  3\n  4  5  6\n  7  8  9",

By default, differences in cases are ignored. To make all comparisons case-sensitive, set the ignore_case argument to False:

self.test_run("./lowercase", "ABC", "abc", ignore_case=False)

For both exp_output and reject_output, regular expressions may be used, by providing a compiled pattern object from Python's re module. Note: if a pattern object is used, arguments ignore_consec_spaces and ignore_case do not take effect. If these patterns should ignore consecutive spaces, a pattern such as \\s+ may be used instead of spaces, while case may be ignored by using the re.I flag;

self.test_run("./valid_date", exp_output=re.compile('([12]\d{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))'))

To avoid issues with student-provided code running longer than expected, such as in cases of infinite loop, the program will timeout after one second. In this case, the test will be considered failed. This setting can be changed with the timeout argument, which should be set to a number of seconds.

self.test_run("./slowprogram", exp_output="COMPLETED", timeout=10)

To avoid issues with student-provided code producing code that is too large for PrairieLearn to handle, by default any program with more than 10KB (more precisely, 10240 characters) of output will fail and have its output truncated. To change this limit, use the size_limit argument, which should be set to a number of characters.

self.test_run("./verboseprogram", exp_output="COMPLETED", size_limit=102400)

The test will be created and shown to the user, worth 1 point by default. The default name for a test that include an input argument is: Test with input "<INPUT>" (where INPUT is the provided input). For a test that uses args, the default name is Test with arguments "<ARGS>" (where ARGS is the set of arguments separated by spaces). A message will also be included with a summary of expected and rejected outputs. To change these settings, use the max_points, msg and/or name arguments:

self.test_run("diff -q output.txt expected.txt", reject_output=["differ"],
              name="Comparing final output", max_points=3,
              msg="Output file should match expected file.")

Running a Check framework test suite

For tests that involve more complex scenarios, particularly related to individual function calls and unit tests, the C autograder allows integration with a modified version of the Check framework. This framework provides functionality to run multiple test suites and test cases with individual unit tests. It is also able to capture signals (e.g., segmentation fault) by running unit tests in an isolated process.

To run a Check suite, create a main C file containing the tests and a main function that runs the Check suite. A tutorial with instructions on how to create test suites, test cases and unit tests can be found in the official Check tutorial. The example course also includes a basic test suite that can be used as an example.

Note that the functionality for working with the Check framework relies on its test logging features. To ensure the tests are properly captured by the autograder you should not overwrite the log files.

A typical file for a Check-based suite will look something like this, assuming student_code.c contains the student code and /grade/tests/main.c contains the Check tests:

import cgrader

class DemoGrader(cgrader.CGrader):

    def tests(self):

        self.compile_file("student_code.c", "main", add_c_file="/grade/tests/main.c",
                          # The following must be included if compiling a Check test

g = DemoGrader()

To compile the student code and test suite, use the self.compile_file() or self.test_compile_file() described above. Make sure that the pkg_config_flags argument includes the check library for proper compilation.

The self.run_check_suite() method will call the executable containing the Check test suites, will parse the log files, and will create one autograder test for each unit test executed by the Check suites. The name of the test will typically be the name of the Check test case followed by the unit test ID, though this can be changed by setting the following arguments to True or False:

  • use_suite_title: use the title of the test suite in the test name (default: false);
  • use_case_name: use the name of the test case in the test name (default: true);
  • use_unit_test_id: use the ID of the unit test in the test name (default: true);
  • use_iteration: for tests executed in a loop, include the iteration number in the test name (default: false).
self.run_check_suite("./main", use_suite_title=True, use_unit_test_id=False)

The version of Check used in the autograder has been modified slightly to include additional safeguards against malicious student code. These safeguards restrict access to test logs and other resources to the processes running unit tests. In order to ensure these safeguards work as expected, your test application should:

  • keep Check's default fork status enabled, i.e., do not set "No Fork Mode";
  • open any files or file-like resources in the unit test itself or in checked fixtures, i.e., do not open files in unchecked fixtures or in the main application;
  • do not rely on environment variables for any student application, or set them manually in the unit test itself or in checked fixtures.

If your application explicitly needs to keep any of the restricted environments above, you may disable some of these safeguards in your code. Note that disabling these safeguards increases the chances that a student may bypass your unit tests and autograder, so only do this if absolutely necessary. You may do this by setting the following preprocessor directives at the top of your test code (before #include <check.h>):

// Use this directive to retain file descriptors opened by the test application or unchecked fixtures

// Use this directive to run the unit test applications as root

// Use this directive to retain environment variables

// Use this directive to have the unit test process remain a direct child of the test application

Identifying dangling pointers, memory leaks and similar issues

A major concern when testing C/C++ code is to identify cases of dangling pointers and memory leaks. The AddressSanitizer library can be used for this purpose in this autograder. In particular, it is able to detect: use-after-free and use-after-return; out-of-bounds access in heap, stack and global arrays; and memory leaks.

To add this library to the code, add the following option to the compilation function (compile_file, test_compile_file or link_object_files):

self.compile_file(..., enable_asan=True)

By default, the options above will compile the code with flags that will cause the application to abort immediately when an invalid memory access is identified, or before exiting in case of memory leaks. If you are using the autograder workflow that checks the program's standard output, this functionality should capture the majority of cases, though you may want to include some reject strings that capture memory leaks. For example:

self.test_run(..., reject_output=['AddressSanitizer'])

If you are using the check-based workflow, note that while the setup above will cause the tests to fail in these scenarios, it may not provide a useful message to students. To provide a more detailed feedback to students in this case, you are strongly encouraged to add a call to pl_setup_asan_hooks() at the start of your main function, like this:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  Suite *s = suite_create(...);
  // ...

If you need more fine-tuned control over when and where these memory access problems happen, you can use the ASAN interface to provide further control. For example, if you want to identify the status of individual pointers to check if they have been correctly allocated, you can use __asan_address_is_poisoned or __asan_region_is_poisoned:

  ck_assert_msg(__asan_address_is_poisoned(deleted_node), "Deleted node has not been freed");
  ck_assert_msg(!__asan_address_is_poisoned(other_node), "Node other than the first element has been freed");
  ck_assert_msg(!__asan_region_is_poisoned(new_node, sizeof(struct node)), "Node was not allocated with appropriate size");

It is also possible to set specific flags to change the behaviour of AddressSanitizer, by setting the environment variable ASAN_OPTIONS when calling run_check_suite. For example, to disable the memory leak check, you may use:

self.run_check_suite("./main", env={"ASAN_OPTIONS": "detect_leaks=0"})

Running a command without creating a test

It is also possible to run a command that is not directly linked to a specific test. This can be done with the self.run_command() method, which at the minimum receives a command as argument. This command can be a single string with or without arguments, or an array of strings containing the executable as the first element, and the arguments to follow. The method returns a string containing the standard output (and standard error) generated by the program.

files = self.run_command("ls -alR /grade")
files = self.run_command(["ls", "-alR", "/grade"])

The command by default will run as a sandboxed user. If you need to run the command as the container's root (the same user running the test script itself) you may set the argument sandboxed to False (not recommended for any program provided by a student):

result = self.run_command("rm -rf testfile.txt", sandboxed=False)

To provide a string to be used as standard input for the program, use the input argument:

result = self.run_command("./square", input="3\n")

To ensure the program does not run forever, you may set a timeout option, which provides a timeout in seconds. If the program doesn't complete within this timeout, the method will return a standard timeout message. It is highly recommended that student-provided code run with a timeout setting.

result = self.run_command("./square", timeout=1)

If the program requires specific environment variables, you may set the env argument. This argument must be provided as a key-value dict.

result = self.run_command("./square", env={"TEMP_FILE": "/tmp/my_temp.dat"})

Manually adding test results

Methods like self.test_compile_file() and self.test_run() will create a new test result that will be presented to the user. It is also possible to create your own tests based on separate computations, with the self.add_test_result() method. The simplest invocation of this method is with only the test name, which will create a passing test worth one point, with no message, no output and no description.

self.add_test_result("Bonus point for submitting something!")

You may also optionally add a description, message and output to the test:

self.add_test_result("Bonus point for submitting something!",
                     description="This is for all my students, thank you for submitting.",
                     msg="Nothing to be expected.",

To set the number of points the test is worth, and/or its maximum number of points, use the points and max_points arguments. The max_points value must be a number (integer or float), and defaults to 1 if not provided. The points argument can be a number, in which case it is based on the maximum number of points; or you may set points to a boolean-like expression, in which case points will be set to 0 if the expression is False, and to max_points if the expression is True.

self.add_test_result("I am lazy, everyone gets 70%",
                     points=70, max_points=100)

This method also allows you to add one or more images to the result. Images must follow the format described in the external grading page.

self.add_test_result("Generated image", points=matched_pixels,
                     images=[{"label": "Your image", "url": dataURI},
                             {"label": "Expected image", "url": expectedURI})

Code subject to manual review

In some situations, instructors may perform a manual review of the student's code, to check for issues like code style, comments, use of algorithms and other criteria that can't easily be programmed into code. This can be done by setting both auto points and manual points to the assessment question. The grade generated by the external grader only affects the auto points, leaving the manual points free to be used by the course staff as they see fit.

Sandbox execution

The autograder is set up to allow program to run either a root, or as a non-privileged user. This feature is available to ensure that the student is unable to manipulate the testing environment or manually modify their grade in the container.

By default, the sandbox user will not have access to any files inside the /grade folder in the container. If it is expected that a program running in this environment have access to a specific file, access must be explicitly granted to the user. This can be done with the change_mode() method, which receives two arguments: the file name/path, and the mode to be set.

self.change_mode("/grade/student/myfile.txt", "744")

Any program compiled with test_compile_file() will be granted executable permissions (mode 755), so these programs don't need to be explicitly allowed by your tests.