Using Docker Compose

Getting started

Follow the steps to install PrairieLearn with local source code. Then run this command in the root folder:

docker compose -f docker-compose-production.yml up

Then access PrairieLearn from port 3000.


PrairieLearn can be configured by a config.json in the root of the repository.

  • First make the file config.json in your root repository.
  • Add the following line to docker-compose-production.yml under

    - ./config.json:/PrairieLearn/config.json

The config.json file should contain appropriate overrides for the keys in lib/config.ts. At a minimum, you'll probably want to update the various postgres* options to point it at your database.

Reverse Proxy

For implementing a reverse proxy read more here.


PrairieLearn currently has 4 ways to do user authentication. Read more at authentication.

Admin User

  • Find the name of your running PrairieLearn container by running

    docker ps

    which will output multiple columns of information about your running container(s). Look for the prairielearn/prairielearn image and copy its corresponding name. For example, the name of the PrairieLearn container in this docker ps output is upbeat_roentgen:

    CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                      COMMAND              CREATED      STATUS      PORTS                   NAMES
    e0f522f41ea4  prairielearn/prairielearn  "/bin/sh -c /Praiā€¦"  2 hours ago  Up 2 hours>3000/tcp  upbeat_roentgen
  • Open a shell in your PrairieLearn container by running

    docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash

Then follow along at Admin User to setup PrairieLearn.

Adding SSH Keys

To get courses through GitHub we will need to configure the SSH keys in the container. Every time the container is destroyed, the keys are lost, so we need to make the keys the same as the Host.

Run the command on the host system


Which will generate a new key. Save this somewhere you will remember. Next you must bind mount these keys into the Docker container. In docker-compose-production.yml under volumes add

- /host/path/to/.ssh:/root/.ssh

To view the public key run the command

cat ~/.ssh/

Next to add the SSH key on GitHub go to SSH keys under profile settings. Add a title, then copy the public key into the Key field.

Adding courses

Adding courses is done through a GitHub repository. It is recommended to setup an organization under one user to which you can add all courses.

To make sure the courses remain if the Docker container goes down we must bind mount the folder in which courses are stored to the host machine, in docker-compose-production.yml under volumes add

- host/place/to/store/courses/:/container_courses_dir/

Once you have a course created, on PrairieLearn go to Admin then scroll down to Courses. Here click Add Course. Add the relevant information, take extra care that under Path you use the bind mounted path.

For example:

Path: /container_courses_dir/mycourse

To clone the course into PrairieLearn:

  • Go to the course GitHub repository you wish to put on PrairieLearn, click code and then SSH.
  • Copy the SSH URL and paste it under the Repository section. Go back to the homepage and you should see the course there.
  • Click on the course, then Sync.
  • Click on Pull from remote git repository which will then clone all the files into the specified directory.


See here for extra information.