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Course configuration

NOTE: Any time you edit the infoCourse.json file on a local copy of PrairieLearn, you need to click the “Load from disk” button in the page header so that the local PrairieLearn server reloads the changes.

Directory layout

A course is specified by a single directory, with the following structure:

+-- infoCourse.json     # Course configuration (see below)
+-- questions # (1)!
|   `-- ...
|   `-- ...
+-- courseInstances # (2)!
|   +-- Fa16
|   |   `-- ...
|   `-- Sp17
|       `-- ...
+-- elements            # custom HTML elements for the course
|   +-- element1
|       `-- ...
+-- clientFilesCourse   # files available from the client at all times (3)
|   `-- library.js
|   `-- refs.html
|   `-- formulas.pdf
`-- serverFilesCourse   # files only accessible from code on the server (4)
    `-- secret1.js
  1. See the questions documentation for more information.
  2. See the course instance documentation for more information.
  3. See the clientFiles and serverFiles documentation for information.
  4. See the clientFiles and serverFiles documentation for information.
  • See HTML element list for a list of elements provided by PrairieLearn to all courses; PrairieLearn will use a course version of an element whenever it exists.


This file specifies basic information about the course:

  "uuid": "cef0cbf3-6458-4f13-a418-ee4d7e7505dd",
  "name": "TAM 212",
  "title": "Introductory Dynamics",
  "options": {
    "useNewQuestionRenderer": true
  "assessmentSets": [],
  "assessmentModules": [],
  "topics": [],
  "tags": [],
  "sharingSets": []
Example infoCourse.json
  "uuid": "cef0cbf3-6458-4f13-a418-ee4d7e7505dd",
  "name": "TAM 212",
  "title": "Introductory Dynamics",
  "options": {
    "useNewQuestionRenderer": true
  "assessmentSets": [
      "abbreviation": "HW",
      "name": "Homework",
      "heading": "Homeworks",
      "color": "green1"
      "abbreviation": "E",
      "name": "Exam",
      "heading": "Exams",
      "color": "red1"
  "assessmentModules": [
      "name": "vectors-coords",
      "heading": "Vectors and coordinates"
      "name": "moments",
      "heading": "Moments of inertia"
  "topics": [
      "name": "Vectors",
      "color": "blue3",
      "description": "Vector algebra in 3D"
      "name": "Center of mass",
      "color": "green3",
      "description": "Finding and using the center of mass of irregular bodies."
  "tags": [
      "name": "drawing",
      "color": "gray2",
      "description": "The answer requires drawing."
      "name": "estimation",
      "color": "orange2",
      "description": "Answering requires estimating a quantity."
  "sharingSets": [
      "name": "python-exercises",
      "description": "Python exercises for sharing"
      "name": "final-exam",
      "description": "Questions that can be used on a final exam"
Format specification for infoCourse.json
  "$schema": "",
  "title": "Course information",
  "description": "The specification file for a course.",
  "type": "object",
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "required": ["uuid", "name", "title", "topics"],
  "properties": {
    "comment": {
      "description": "Arbitrary comment for reference purposes.",
      "anyOf": [{ "type": "string" }, { "type": "array" }, { "type": "object" }]
    "uuid": {
      "description": "Unique identifier (UUID v4).",
      "type": "string",
      "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$"
    "name": {
      "description": "The course name (e.g., 'TAM 212').",
      "type": "string"
    "title": {
      "description": "The course title (e.g., 'Introductory Dynamics').",
      "type": "string"
    "timezone": {
      "description": "The timezone for all date input and display (e.g., \"America/Chicago\", from the TZ column at",
      "type": "string",
      "default": "America/Chicago"
    "options": {
      "description": "Options for this course.",
      "type": "object",
      "additionalProperties": false,
      "properties": {
        "comment": {
          "description": "Arbitrary comment for reference purposes.",
          "anyOf": [{ "type": "string" }, { "type": "array" }, { "type": "object" }]
        "useNewQuestionRenderer": {
          "description": "Feature flag to enable the new question renderer.",
          "type": "boolean",
          "default": false
        "devModeFeatures": {
          "description": "Feature flags to enable/disable in development mode.",
          "anyOf": [
              "type": "object",
              "additionalProperties": {
                "type": "boolean"
              "description": "Legacy format; use an object instead.",
              "type": "array",
              "items": {
                "description": "A single feature flag.",
                "type": "string"
    "assessmentSets": {
      "description": "Assessment sets.",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "description": "A single assessment set description.",
        "type": "object",
        "required": ["abbreviation", "name", "heading", "color"],
        "properties": {
          "comment": {
            "description": "Arbitrary comment for reference purposes.",
            "anyOf": [{ "type": "string" }, { "type": "array" }, { "type": "object" }]
          "abbreviation": {
            "description": "Abbreviation (preferably 1 to 3 characters), e.g., 'HW', 'Q', 'PQ', etc.",
            "type": "string"
          "name": {
            "description": "Full singular name (preferably 1 to 3 words), e.g., 'Homework', 'Quiz', 'Practice Quiz'.",
            "type": "string"
          "heading": {
            "description": "Plural heading for a group of assessments (preferably 1 to 3 words), e.g., 'Homeworks', 'Quizzes'.",
            "type": "string"
          "color": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/color"
    "assessmentModules": {
      "description": "Course modules.",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "description": "A single course module description.",
        "type": "object",
        "required": ["name", "heading"],
        "properties": {
          "name": {
            "description": "Short name for a module (preferably 1 to 3 words), e.g., 'Introduction'.",
            "type": "string"
          "heading": {
            "description": "Full name of the module (visible to students)",
            "type": "string"
    "topics": {
      "description": "Question topics (visible to students).",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "description": "A single assessment set description.",
        "type": "object",
        "required": ["name", "color"],
        "properties": {
          "comment": {
            "description": "Arbitrary comment for reference purposes.",
            "anyOf": [{ "type": "string" }, { "type": "array" }, { "type": "object" }]
          "shortName": {
            "description": "Short name (preferably 2 to 7 characters).",
            "type": "string"
          "name": {
            "description": "Long descriptive name (preferably less than 10 words).",
            "type": "string"
          "color": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/color"
          "description": {
            "description": "Description of the topic.",
            "type": "string"
    "tags": {
      "description": "Question tags (not visible to students).",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "description": "A single tag description.",
        "type": "object",
        "required": ["name", "color"],
        "properties": {
          "comment": {
            "description": "Arbitrary comment for reference purposes.",
            "anyOf": [{ "type": "string" }, { "type": "array" }, { "type": "object" }]
          "shortName": {
            "description": "Short name (preferably 2 to 7 characters).",
            "type": "string"
          "name": {
            "description": "Long descriptive name (preferably less than 10 words).",
            "type": "string"
          "color": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/color"
          "description": {
            "description": "Description of the tag.",
            "type": "string"
    "sharingSets": {
      "description": "Sharing sets",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "description": "A sharing set description.",
        "type": "object",
        "required": ["name"],
        "properties": {
          "name": {
            "description": "Name of the sharing set.",
            "type": "string"
          "description": {
            "description": "Description of the sharing set.",
            "type": "string"
  "definitions": {
    "color": {
      "description": "A color name.",
      "enum": [

Course-wide options

These options, which apply to all instances of your course, can be set in the infoCourse.json file. The properties should be set within an object named options as shown in the example above.

Property Default Description
useNewQuestionRenderer false This controls whether to use the legacy renderer or the "new" renderer, as described in the question configuration documentation. Although the default is false currently to avoid issues with longstanding courses on the platform, most courses will want to set this to true, especially if they are newly created.

Assessment sets

Each assessment belongs to an assessment set. Each assessment set must have the following properties.

Property Description
abbreviation Abbreviation that is joined with the assessment number to form the label, so "abbreviation": "HW" produces HW1, HW2, etc. This should be one or two uppercase letters (e.g., HW for homework, E for exam, Q for quiz).
name Full name that is joined with the assessment number to describe the assessment, so "name": "Homework" produces Homework 1, etc. This should be a singular noun.
heading Title that is listed above all the assessments in the set. Should be the plural version of the name.
color The color scheme for this assessment (see below for choices).

Standardized assessment sets

The following list of standardized assessments sets is automatically included in every course. You do not need to include these in your JSON file, but you can add extra assessment sets if needed (see below).

abbreviation name purpose
HW Homework Weekly homeworks done at home.
MP Machine Problem Weekly coding assignments done outside of class.
Q Quiz Short frequent quizzes.
PQ Practice Quiz Practice quizzes.
E Exam Long-form midterm or final exams.
PE Practice Exam Practice exams.
P Prep Temporary assessments used while writing new questions.
WS Worksheet Guided activity, often completed in groups.

Adding your own assessment sets

You can add more assessment sets by listing them in the infoCourse.json file as follows. Note that HW and Q don't need to be listed because they are automatically available as standardized sets (see above).

  "assessmentSets": [
      "abbreviation": "HW",
      "name": "Homework",
      "heading": "Homeworks",
      "color": "green1"
      "abbreviation": "Q",
      "name": "Quiz",
      "heading": "Quizzes",
      "color": "red1"

The assessment set order in infoCourse.json is the order in which the assessments will be shown within PrairieLearn (for both instructors and students). If you want to change the order of standardized assessment sets then you can re-list them in whatever order you like. For example, to put Exams and Quizzes first, you could use:

  "assessmentSets": [
      "abbreviation": "E",
      "name": "Exam",
      "heading": "Exams",
      "color": "brown1"
      "abbreviation": "Q",
      "name": "Quiz",
      "heading": "Quizzes",
      "color": "red1"
      "abbreviation": "PE",
      "name": "Practice Exam",
      "heading": "Practice Exams",
      "color": "yellow1"
      "abbreviation": "PQ",
      "name": "Practice Quiz",
      "heading": "Practice Quizzes",
      "color": "pink1"
      "abbreviation": "HW",
      "name": "Homework",
      "heading": "Homeworks",
      "color": "green1"
      "abbreviation": "P",
      "name": "Prep",
      "heading": "Question Preparation",
      "color": "gray1"
      "abbreviation": "MP",
      "name": "Machine Problem",
      "heading": "Machine Problems",
      "color": "turquoise1"
      "abbreviation": "WS",
      "name": "Worksheet",
      "heading": "Worksheets",
      "color": "purple1"

Assessment modules

Each assessment in the course belongs to a module defined in infoCourse.json. Modules can represent course topics, chapters or sections, or in PrairieLearn terms, a collection of assessments related to one another, but not necessarily of the same type. This means you can have a module with two homeworks, one lab, and one exam, for example.

Modules are optional and do not affect any behavior by default. The order in which the modules are defined in infoCourse.json will be the order in which they are displayed in the student page. This can let students view their list of assessments in a chronological order, rather than simply grouped by set.

  "assessmentModules": [
      "name": "intro",
      "heading": "Unit 1: Introduction to XC 101"
      "name": "physics",
      "heading": "Unit 2: Physics"
      "name": "math",
      "heading": "Unit 3: Math"

The above configuration can result in the following view for students:

Assessments grouped by module on the student assessments overview.

Properties for assessmentModules are as follows.

Property Description
name Brief name for the module. Shorter is better.
heading Longer title for the module, displayed to users.

The organization of the assessment page is configured at the course instance level. In the same PrairieLearn course, some course instances may group assessments by "Module", and some others may group assessments by "Set". See Course Instance for more details.


Each question in the course has a topic from the list specified in the infoCourse.json file. Topics should be thought of as chapters or sections in a textbook, and there should be about 10 to 30 topics in a typical course. The topic properties are as follows.

Property Description
name Brief name for the topic. Shorter is better. Should be in sentence case (leading capital letter).
color The color scheme for this topic (see below for choices).
description An explanation of what the topic includes, for human reference.

For example, topics could be listed like:

  "topics": [
      "name": "Vectors",
      "color": "blue3",
      "description": "Vector algebra in 3D."
      "name": "Center of mass",
      "color": "green3",
      "description": "Calculating the center of mass for irregular bodies and systems."


Each question can have zero, one, or many tags associated with it. The properties of a tag are as follows.

Property Description
name Brief name for the tag. Tags should have very short names (preferably just a single word) because there might be many of them on one question. Should typically be in lower case (e.g., drawing) or an uppercase abbreviation (e.g., MC).
color The color scheme for this tag (see below for choices).
description An explanation of what the tag means, for human reference.

Standardized tag names

The following list of standardized tags is automatically included in every course. You do not need to include these in your JSON file, but you can add extra tags (see below).

Answer format tag Meaning
numeric The answer format is one or more numerical values.
symbolic The answer format is a symbolic expression.
drawing The answer format requires drawing on a canvas to input a graphical representation of an answer.
MC The answer format is choosing from a small finite set of answers (multiple choice, possibly with multiple selections allowed, up to 10 possible answers).
code The answer format is a piece of code.
multianswer The question requires multiple answers, either as steps in a sequence or as separate questions.
Skill testing tag Meaning
graph The question tests reading information from a graph or drawing a graph.
concept The question tests conceptual understanding of a topic.
calculate The questions tests performing a numerical calculation, with either a calculator or equivalent software.
compute The question tests the writing and running of a piece of code to compute the answer. The answer itself is not the code, but could be a numeric answer output by the code, for example (use code when the answer is the code).
software The question tests the use of a specific piece of software (e.g., Matlab).
estimation Answering the question correctly will require some amount of estimation, so an exact answer is not possible.
Question use tag Meaning
secret Only use this question on exams or quizzes that won't be released to students, so the question can be kept secret.
nontest This question is not appropriate for use in a restricted testing environment, so only use it on homeworks or similar.
Tracking tag Meaning
<course> The course for which the question was originally written. E.g., TAM212, CS233.
<email> The email of the person who wrote the question, E.g., Multiple emails can be tagged when several people had significant input.
<semester> The semester when the question was written. E.g., Sp15, Su16, Fa16.

Adding your own tags

You can add more tags to your course by listing them in the infoCourse.json file. For example:

  "tags": [
      "name": "TAM212",
      "color": "red1",
      "description": "This question was originally written for TAM 212."
      "name": "mwest",
      "color": "gray1",
      "description": "This question was written by Matthew West ("

The tag order in infoCourse.json is the order in which the tags will be listed within PrairieLearn. If you want to change the order of your tags or standardized tags then you can re-list them in whatever order you like.

Sharing Sets

Questions can be added to sharing sets to enable other courses to use your questions in their assessments. Sharing sets are designed for sharing questions only to specific courses, if you would like to make questions available for anyone to uses, you should make them publicly shared as explained in the question documentation, or the sharing documentation.

Property Description
name Brief descriptive name for the sharing set. You could say something about the type of questions you are grouping together, or about the type of course you would want to share the sharing set with.
description Additional explanation of what the sharing set is for, for human reference.

Adding Sharing Sets

You can add sharing sets to your course by listing them in the infoCourse.json file. For example:

  "sharingSets": [
      "name": "python-exercises",
      "description": "Python exercises for sharing"
      "name": "final-exam",
      "description": "Questions that can be used on a final exam"

At this time, sharing sets cannot be renamed or removed from infoCourse.json once they have been added, because deleting a sharing set shared to another course could break assessments in that course.


The default timezone for courses is America/Chicago (U.S. Central Time). This can be changed with the timezone property in infoCourse.json. For example:

  "timezone": "America/New_York"

Allowable timezones are those in the TZ column in the list of tz database time zones, which is a display version of the IANA Time Zone Database.

Comments in JSON files

You can add comments to JSON files using the "comment" key on any object. You can only use this key once for each object. For example:

  "comment": "assessments that are shared among a group of students",
  "assessmentSets": [
      "abbreviation": "GA",
      "name": "Group Activity",
      "heading": "Group Activities",
      "color": "green1"
  "timezone": "America/New_York"

Comments can be strings, arrays, or JSON objects, but for most uses strings are recommended.

Warning: if you have more than one comment for a JSON object (objects are things wrapped in curly braces {}) then all but one of them will be silently discarded by the online course configuration editing tools. It's fine to have multiple comments in a JSON file but they have to be in separate objects. For example, comments inside the same object (not supported) look like {"comment": "AAA", "comment": "BBB"}. Comments in different objects (supported) look like {"subObject1": {"comment": "AAA"}, "subObject2": {"comment": "BBB"}}.


The possible colors for assessment sets, topic, and tags are:

red1 red2 red3
pink1 pink2 pink3
purple1 purple2 purple3
blue1 blue2 blue3
turquoise1 turquoise2 turquoise3
green1 green2 green3
yellow1 yellow2 yellow3
orange1 orange2 orange3
brown1 brown2 brown3
gray1 gray2 gray3

Course staff

Access permissions for course staff can be configured on the "Staff" tab. Course staff permissions are separated into course content roles and student data roles. These can be mixed and matched arbitrarily, so any combination is possible.

Course content access roles

Course content access roles grant permission to access all course content, such as questions and assessments, including aggregate statistics from student usage.

Action None Previewer Viewer Editor Owner
View questions and assessments
View issues
View aggregate statistics in all course instances
View question code and JSON files
Close issues
Edit question code and JSON files
Sync from GitHub
Edit course staff permissions

Student data access roles

Student data access roles grant permission to access to individual student data.

Action None Viewer Editor
View individual student scores
Download gradebook data
Manually grade student submissions
Edit individual student scores
Change time limits and close assessments

While every course should use the different roles in a way that best suits the course needs, some recommended guidelines are:

Role Course content access Student data access
Instructor Course content owner Student data editor
TAs developing course content Course content editor Student data editor
Student content developers (not TAs) Course content editor None
TAs involved in grading None Student data editor
Other TAs None Student data viewer
Instructors from other classes Course content viewer None