Running in Production

As the PrairieLearn source code is publicly-available, it's possible to run PrairieLearn on your own infrastructure. Running a single instance of the PrairieLearn server may be appropriate for tens or hundreds of total users, and a number of universities have done this successfully.

Running in Production with Docker

PrairieLearn can also be run in production mode in a Docker container using Docker Compose.

Getting started

Follow the steps to install PrairieLearn natively, including installing dependencies. You can then run NODE_ENV=production make start and access PrairieLearn from port 3000.


PrairieLearn can be configured by a config.json in the root of the repository. You can also provide a path to a config file when starting the server:

NODE_ENV=production node apps/prairielearn/dist/server.js --config /path/to/config.json

The config.json file should contain appropriate overrides for the keys in lib/config.ts. At a minimum, you'll probably want to update the various postgres* options to point it at your database.

Reverse Proxy

A reverse proxy can be implemented using something like Apache or NGINX.

In config.json to configure your domain add:

  "serverCanonicalHost": "https://yourdomain"


PrairieLearn currently has 4 ways to do user authentication. Read more at authentication.

Admin User

You will need to be an Admin User to setup PrairieLearn.


You'll likely want a load balancer in front of PrairieLearn that's bound to your own domain or subdomain. You can configure the domain via serverCanonicalHost in config.json. If your load balancer supports health checks, you can point it to /pl/webhooks/ping. This route will respond with a 200 if the PrairieLearn server is healthy.

Running a single instance of the PrairieLearn server may be appropriate for tens or hundreds of total users. However, for use cases that call for hundreds or thousands of simultaneous users, you'll likely want to scale PrairieLearn horizontally. If you're running multiple servers, you'll need to provide a Redis cluster and configure access to it with redisUrl in config.json. You can also enable support for chunks to deploy servers that don't need access to course Git repositories on disk; see lib/chunks.ts to get a sense of how this works and how to configure it.

If you want to use external graders or workspaces, you'll need to provide appropriate infrastructure and config to support them. You'll likely want to run the grader host and workspace host on independent fleets of machines that can autoscale to handle bursts of traffic and that can automatically replace unhealthy hosts.


The recommended way to deploy new versions of PrairieLearn is to shut down all running servers, run any pending database migrations, and then start the servers again.

Zero-downtime deploys are possible (we do them on, but they require specialized tooling, infrastructure, and operational expertise, and are thus not officially supported at this time.


Due to the custom nature of self-hosted installations and the difficulty associated with operating complex software in production, we do not offer any specific recommendations or guidance around deploying, operating, or scaling self-hosted installations. Over at, we do what works best for the thousands of instructors and students who are using our hosting offering, and we'd love to work with you there once your self-hosted install becomes a burden instead of a joy.